
【International Buyer】*Updated on June. 5, 2024

Eligibility for Applicants

  • Individuals currently engaged in the music industry business
  • Individuals capable of participating in business meetings and networking sessions within the TIMM business area, with the business objective of promoting the development and activities of Japanese music and Japanese artists outside of Japan.
  • Individuals capable to attend showcase live performances and participate in post-live meet and greets.
  • Individuals capable to participate in the welcome party held for networking purposes among domestic and international music industry professionals


  • Those intending solely to attend business seminars are not eligible to obtain a Buyer pass
  • Buyer registration will be finalized after a thorough screening process by the TIMM office.
    In addition to the listed eligibility criteria, past your performance on business meetings and networking sessions at TIMM may also be an important factor for approval. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

No Registration Fees

Available Services for TIMM Buyer
Admission to TIMM 2024 venue
Access to TIMM business area
Viewing TIMM showcase live performances
Attending TIMM business seminars
Participation in the Welcome Party

Registration Application Procedure
1.Click the button below and send the form after completing it.
2.An email will be sent from TIMM Office if sent successfully.
3.Your application will be carefully screened and processed at TIMM office.
4.Once approved, a confirmation email will be sent to you in approximately 2 weeks.

*Notes : Please apply for registration one person at a time. You cannot register multiple people in one application.

Registration Deadline: September 30, 2024

Please submit your registration application from here !


【Exhibitor】*Updated on June. 18, 2024

・Exhibitors can participate in business meetings and networking sessions at Shibuya Stream Hall, business seminars at Shibuya Stream, and showcase live performances at each venue.
・Business meetings and networking sessions can be freely held with industry professionals from Japan and abroad.

○Exhibition Plans
The following plans are available.
・Standard Plan   (Larger booth)
・Light Plan A    (Smaller booth)
・Light Plan B    (No booth)

For more information, please see this  document.

○Application Form for Exhibitors 
《New exhibitors who did not exhibit last year》
Please fill out the application form here.


《For last year's exhibitors》
Please contact TIMM Office to receive a link to the application form.

○Exhibitor Information 
Please read the following before applying. 
TIMM Exhibit Rules and Regulations JP  EN
Privacy Policy

     Please contact us for further

【Online Briefing Session】
The briefing session was held on June 14. Here are the materials that were shared during the briefing session

Exhibitor Briefing Materials

International buyer can register TIMM ONLINE anytime at free of charge. (Registration is reviewed by TIMM Office for approval)