FUNKY KATO ファンキー加藤




Born on December 18, 1978, in Hachioji-shi, Tokyo. In January, 2004, he formed a group called FUNKY MONKEY BABYS In his locale Hachioji. In June, 2013, he disbanded the group at the "Tokyo Dome'', his dream stage, at the pinnacle of popularity. On February 12, 2014, after dissolution of the group, he made a solo debut with the single "My VOICE" as Funky Kato. In 2016, he played his first main character role as an actor in the movie "Sabuibomask" Ireleased in June, 2016). Starting from March, 2018, he rolled out live performances nationwide almost on a weekly basis at shopping centers under the title of "All-Japan Free Live Tour Uber-Back To the Origin'', and since October of the same year he conducted the 3rd national hall tour "Wooh oh Tour of Hope" to score a big success. In 2019, celebrating the 5th anniversary of his solo debut, on August 31 he announced "OUR MIC FES", the first festival under his sponsorship. Tickets were sold out immediately.


2004年1月于当地八王子成立FUNKY MONKEY BABYS乐团。


乐团解散后的2014年2月,个人以Funky 加藤之名,推出”My VOICE”单曲出道。

2016年首次以演员的身份参加电影” Sabuibo Mask”的演出。

2019年为单飞出道5周年,自行首次主办的”OUR MIC FES”活动门票,一开卖就售罄,获得空前成功。
